Privacy Statement

Website and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Statement

The 90 Day Accelerator Programme is managed and administered by Metisblue Limited, a privately owned business focused on supporting teams and leaders through coaching and mentoring, and is the data controller responsible for your data. Your privacy is important to Metisblue Limited and this privacy notice has been designed with our clients in mind and the ways in which you interact with us.

Your Personal Data:

How your data is used and stored?

  • Personal data that Metisblue Limited collects includes information such as your email address, telephone number and business address to operate effectively and provide you with the best experience. You provide some of this data directly when you email us to request information or when we undertake a proposal for you.
  • The data that we collect is used to communicate with you regarding enquiries you have made, to book, change or cancel an appointment in the event of an emergency, to provide an invoice or receipt for purchases, and to advise you of any useful information related to your original enquiry. All personal information is contained in confidential locked storage protected by passwords and anti-virus support. Your information is not shared with third parties for any form of marketing or joint ventures.
  • If you enter into a coaching programme:
    • a copy of the coaching contract/agreement
    • Any session notes made to reflect the work under our contract (anonymised using initials and dates as identifiers) and required for professional indemnity insurance

is kept in confidential locked storage. This information is anonymised

Sharing of Data

  • Your information is not shared with third parties for any form of marketing or joint ventures. Your personal data is only shared internally and only when necessary/appropriate.
  • The only occasions when data may be shared include:
    • LEGAL REASONS – when required to share information as a result of court order and consistent with current UK confidentiality laws
    • LEGITIMATE INTEREST – when professional code of conduct requires us to break confidentiality as a result of any safeguarding issues, risk of harm to self or others
    • CLIENT REQUEST – you many provide consent for information to be shared with medical or legal professionals, or Occupational Health Department

Length of data retention

  • Data is kept for 7 years following the final coaching session for professional indemnity insurance purposes.

Other data sources:

  • Email: communicating by email provides access to an e-signature (IP address), which is kept for the period of time expressed above. As some emails are not encrypted we are conscious not to share overly sensitive/confidential information via this medium.
  • Website contact form:information sent via this form is not stored on the website and kept in line with confidentiality protocols previously detailed.
  • Google Analytics: The website host utilises Google Analytics to monitor website activity and does not identify individuals. Google’s ability to share information collected about your visits to the website is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy:

Your rights under GDPR

  • Right to be informedabout the collection, storage and use of your personal data, as contained in the above privacy information. The latter must be provided to you at the same time we collect personal data. If your data arrives via referral, we provide you with privacy information no later than one month from referral. This information is transparent, clear and easily accessible.
  • Right to access: you can request to see information we hold on you.
  • Right of rectificationif your data is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Right to erasure, or ‘the right to be forgotten’: Not applicable where lawful reason/legal   obligation/legitimate interest takes precedence
  • Right to restrict processing:Not applicable where lawful reason/legal obligation/legitimate interest takes precedence
  • Right to data portability: To obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services. This rule exists mainly for data held by big service providers, e.g. utility providers. In the event of you wishing to take a copy of your case notes to another coach provider/practitioner these may be provided as an encrypted and password protected document.
  • Right to object to data processing(such as direct marketing or for purposes of scientific research) Not applicable where lawful reason/legal obligation/legitimate interest takes precedence
  • Rights related to automated decisions: Automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain aspects about an individual, including profiling.
  • The ICO describes how these are not all absolute rights and please refer to further information here:
  • You have the right to complain to the ICO here: 0303 123 1113
  • Should you have any concerns about how we use or have used your data and/or to opt-out/unsubscribe contact us here: